A Welcome from Pastor Greg

 When I reflect on our first Bible study in 1997 with 79 people at the Harborside Inn, I’m amazed at what God has done over the past 27 years. In less than three years since launching the GREATER Vision Initiative in 2022, we’ve seen incredible growth—from 1,000 weekly attendees across two campuses to nearly 3,000 today, including Redemption City Church, which we helped establish on its own 7.5 acres.
We celebrate thousands experiencing life change in Christ through baptisms, discipleship, community, and mission. Marriages have been restored, addicts set free, and broken lives healed. Through the GREATER Initiative, we’ve achieved bold goals: building a new auditorium, renovating facilities, supporting Trinity Baptist College, and assisting Redemption City. Yet, God has done far beyond what we imagined, showing us this was just the beginning.
Now, it’s time to embrace an EVEN GREATER vision, launching Phase Three of ministry to impact our church, community, and beyond. I believe God has extraordinary plans for us, and I invite each of you to join the EVEN GREATER Initiative. Together, we can create transformative environments where lives are changed, and Christ’s love reaches farther than we’ve ever dreamed.
- Greg

A look at what is ahead

A New Church for St Johns County

Jesus promised to build his church. We believe he has called us to start a new one. Could he be inviting you to join him? As disciples of Jesus, we are not just called to come and see. We are called to “live sent”, commissioned to “go and make disciples.”
Disciples make disciples. Churches plant churches.

Trent and Andrea Griffith are leading the charge in planting New City Church in St Johns County.

"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." - John 20:21

Stories of Life Change