2024 Year in Review

A look at what God has done this year.

God has moved through the mission and ministries of Parkview Church in big ways throughout the past year. We are excited for the lives being changed by Jesus Christ, and can't wait to see what God has in store for the future.
On Palm Sunday weekend of 2024, a dream 25 years in the making became a reality as we moved into a brand-new, 700+ seat auditorium. We ended the year with an average of 2,000 in attendance across 4 services each weekend made possible only by the power of Holy Spirit as he led his people, the church, to be generous in outreach and financial giving.
You gave generously, and God blessed abundantly during 2024. Because of your generosity, the Gospel was declared, lives were changed, the community was touched, and the name of Jesus was made great. Kingdom impact reaches beyond any data or metrics, but be encouraged by all that God did in and through Parkview Church during 2024.


95+ people gave their lives to Jesus Christ
50+ people publicly declared their faith in Jesus through baptism
Get Connected
319 People connected with Parkview Church through Get Connected
109 People chose membership
1,112 Participated in a Group
440 Participated in a Women's Group
194 Participated in a Men's Group
75 Total Groups gathered weekly
4 Special classes offered including:
  • Foundations of Our Faith
  • Art of Marriage
  • Family Recovery
  • Choose the Life
145 New volunteers
90+ Group leaders
100+ Worship & Tech volunteers
270+ Family Ministry volunteers


City Serve
We hosted 7 events throughout the year to serve the community including:
  • Emmanuel's Closet Stock & Serve
  • Stuff-the-Truck - Over 3 truckloads donated
  • Free oil changes for single moms - 20+ cars serviced
  • Touch-a-Truck - 2,189 people attended
  • Trunk-or-Treat - 3,147 people attended 
  • Living Nativity - Over 4,300 saw the Gospel presented
  • Wisemen Gift Extravaganza - 153 children given the gift of Christmas
Disaster Relief
A team of 25+ people traveled to offer disaster relief for Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Other teams offered local relief through debris cleanup around the community.
Emmanuel's Closet
2,976 Adults Served & Clothed
2,021 Children Served & Clothed
75 Volunteers
Food Pantry
466 Families Served
548 Bags of Food Distributed
Saturday Meals
22,650+ meals served


In June, Parkview Student Ministries launched a brand new middle school ministry, Outbreak. Within weeks of launching, Outbreak consistently ran over 40 middle school students each week and now has their own worship and leadership teams.
To pursue our desire to meet the emotional healing needs of our church community, Stephen Ministry was launched in April. This robust and much needed ministry has over 30 fully trained volunteers ready to serve our people through Biblically grounded care.

A sneak peek at what's coming in 2025...